The Sha'tar EU


A lady swathed in the rugged attire of a farstrider. Nearly every aspect of Alaein Andilien, sister of Rognan Andilien reeks of duality and conflict. Beneath the firm and utilitarian armour design she adorns herself in resides the semi-athletic body of a pampered, well-kempt and somewhat petite minor noblewoman in her early adulthood. Naturally, it’s uncertain whether or not this friction between disciplined ranger and privileged woman is any more than skin-deep appearances.

Evidently prideful of her typical elven beauty, Alaein Andilien clearly makes a point of wanting to be noticed in the social climate of things. Her sanguine lips shine from beneath her camouflage hood almost as brightly as her emerald green eyes and near-flawlessly pale skin, framed by a vain coating of dark mascara and golden yellow hair. Defined and devoid of the extensive signs of aging the lesser races are prone to, her facial features are as sharp and defined as any Sin'dorei.

Personality Traits[]

Eternally inquisitive, intellectually well spoken, deathly afraid of uncontrolled fires, and potentially clinically narcissistic. Alaein Andilien is by no means openly arrogant. She believes that her infinite beauty, wondrous grace and superior intellect is openly apparent to the world. This almost well-hidden trait of Alaein’s certainly does not infringe upon her discipline as a ranger. She accepts the authority of her apparent superior’s with earnest respect and enthusiasm, and takes pleasure from proving her worth time and time again, so long as she feels she’s being adequately recognised.

The desire to please naturally leads to the subject of her beloved elder twin brother, who – more than nearly anything – she desires to be as proud of her as she is of herself. It goes without saying that her efforts meet some resistance thanks to said siblings humble and level-headed demeanor. As a result her attempts at often met with harsh – yet good humoured – retorts.

There is only one thing Alaein ultimately desires more than recognition and praise from the world and her brother, and that is the gift of the Kaldorei and Draenei. She wishes nothing more than to be immortal and remain eternal. Notably, she will go to frightening lengths to achieve her goal. For now, she settles with her alchemical skills and collecting samples of possible cures to her dreaded mortality, as well as focusing on her duties as a farstrider.





Alaein was born the youngest child and only daughter into the minor traditionalist noble family, Andilien of southern Quel’thalas. Her early years were spent as the pampered little princess of the household, but her days were constricting and routine as she was expected, taught and trained to be presentable marriage material to be used in diplomatic relations with other noble families when she became of age. One of her only sources of entertainment or freedom came from the odd occasions when she was allowed to help with the family business, either to calm or coerce troublesome customers and traders, who she would learn about the outside world through. The other saving grace for the young girl was the wondrous view from her bedroom window, where she was expected to remain for the majority of her time studying and learning.

Fortunately for Alaein she had more sources of enjoyment - her two unruly older brothers. Her cheerful twin brother, Rognan and her impulsive eldest brother, Athelios. Once every few weeks they would sneak from the Andilien estate with Alaein close behind to roam and play within the expansive forests of Quel’thalas with toy bows and swords.

The Andilien Estate[]

Time flowed slowly in the eternal grove of Eversong Forest, but all too quickly Alaein’s brothers were sent away to Silvermoon to train in the magical ways. All the while her life of routine had begun to grow even more unbearable and stagnant as she entered her womanhood. Without the freedom her brothers and only friends offered her, Alaein soon feel into a quiet depression within the ever-constricting walls of the Andilien estate. Even the window she would stare out of daily for comfort no longer eased her sorrow, or sated her desire to explore the world outside of the estate.

Eventually Alaein was found a suitor to marry by her parents, who were oblivious to their daughter’s gradual descent into severe depression and increasingly unstable mental health. On the day she was to meet her suitor a sudden panic fell over the young budding elf, as the moment she had been preparing for decades was about to come to pass. As she came face to face with the sniveling youngling she was to wed, she broke down; physically, audibly, but not mentally. At that moment she fell to her knees and wept, shouting her demands into her palms. Something better for herself, something worthy of the time and life she seemingly wasted preparing to be the wife of a five foot child with a runny nose. She cursed her shocked and distraught parents with all of her vocal might, before fleeing, towards Silvermoon.

The Blackened Woods[]

The young elven woman would have barely relented in her marathon sprint towards the capital if the war against the orcs in the south had not caught up with her. Red dragons filled the sky above southern Quel’thalas, and rained down fire upon the lands around Alaein. She merely stood horrified and petrified, as she witnessed the creation of the Blackened Woods. Before her very eyes.

Just as fate had seemingly dictated Alaein burn with her beloved forest, it cast another roll of the dice. A band of rangers, who had seen the devastation from their nearby enclave had taken to their hawkstriders and steeds, before charging to aid of the elven people being slaughtered in the blaze of fire upon the horizon. They soon found the lone Alaein, cowering beneath the roar of the flame enveloping the woods, and she was swiftly rescued. She was one of only a handful.

Thanks to the altruism of the farstrider rangers, the shocked and near speechless Alaein eventually found herself in front of the Silvermoon apartment belonging to Rognan, who dwelled within, already mourning the loss of his loved ones. Upon seeing the haunted, ruddy and ghostly visage of his dear sister still alive, he ecstatically welcomed her into his home – within which she was to reside during the mourning period for their parents, and Alaein’s own slow recuperation.

Farstrider Socialite[]

Soon after her mental and physical wounds had healed, Alaein seized her newfound freedom with earnest. Before long she signed up to become a farstrider ranger, who of which she revered. For the peaceful years that followed she trained vigorously to hone her body to suit her new lifestyle, but she was never able to entirely shake off her full and womanly build. Unfortunately, not every aspect of life in Silvermoon was perfect. Alaein had soon learnt of the division between Athelios and Rognan. A power struggle had begun to break out between the haughty Athelios as a high-ranking magister, and the ever-humble Rognan , who was still but a fledgling priest.

Gradually Alaein's own confidence regarding her place in Silvermoon society grew. Her desire for near-constant social interaction and her consistent intelligence proved to be popular among the socialites among respectable echelons of the city. The popular young lady gained a fair few admirers during her brief visits returning from her farstrider duties, but all in all she was uninterested in marriage or relationships, having had her interest burnt out by the constant pressure of her childhood. Unfortunately for her, the more she resisted the pull of her admirers; the more the single-minded nobles and socialites put her upon a pedestal. This inadvertently caused her ego to swell to unfathomable proportions.

Within the ranks of the Farstriders, Alaein was involved in a fair few skirmishes against the Amani, but nothing noteworthy.

Shadow of the Spires[]

As the tales of many elves go; the Scourge eventually came, casting a shadow darker and further than the orcish dragons ever could. Alaein, at this point, had become a reasonably skilled farstrider, and at the time she was patrolling the border with her kin. She saw first-hand the sheer unrelenting might of the Scourge. She put up as much of a fight as the rest of her brothers and sisters, but their arrows did nothing to slow down the mass of death. Disheartened, and quickly losing courage Alaein fled north yet again with a handful of her comrade. She sought to bring word to her brothers to flee and find safety with her.

Luck was on her side. Alaein reached the gates of Silvermoon moments before they were slammed shut and she swiftly gathered Athelios from the western wing of the city, before relocating to the relative safety of Rognan’s apartment . The siblings frantically boarded themselves up inside the building as the city around them was torn apart and near destroyed.

Heart of the Sun[]

In time, Rognan regained some of his strength, just in time to see the face of salvation arrive in Quel’thalas. Kael’thas Sunstrider, the last scion of the Sunstrider dynasty made his way through the streets of the eastern wing of Silvermoon with his army at his flank. Before long they purged the city clean of the undead Scourge. Following their victory, the future Sun King had words for his new-found people. He dubbed them Sin’dorei and promised them a shining future if they but follow him. The heroic words of her prince caused Alaein’s heart to soar as they surged through her body, bringing renewed life, like the arcane once did. She felt awash with sheer love and admiration for the savior of her people. Rognan, on the other hand, was awash with trepidation, although he was in not fit state to let his opinions be heard.

Despite wishing to join her Prince in his endeavors at his side, Alaein was one of the seemingly unlucky ones to be left behind in Quel’thalas in order to aid with the limited defenses their as Silvermoon slowly rebuilt itself. Whilst the rest of Azeroth were busy protecting the world from Nefarion, Onyxia, C’thun and Ragnaros, Alaein and her elder twin were struggling with reclaiming the northern province of Quel’thalas. Athelios was believed to have left with Kael’thas.

Years followed as the newly dubbed blood elves slowly shifted into their new culture of hedonism and hunger for power. Alaein was quick to fall back into her own magical addiction and joined her kin as their old moral values quickly shriveled into nothing. As soon as more and more mana began to be more readily available, she would often disappear days at a time in the search for mana and the cheap thrills that the half-ruined city of Silvermoon offered. Alaein’s own personality was soon taken to the extremes as she began to sample the fel energies offered by this new way of life. The desire to be noticed, the vanity, and her deep-seated hidden quirks were soon blown to drastic proportions. She soon found herself being lead by brash, hot-headed emotion, rather than the calm – yet enthusiastic – ways of old.

Sunstrider Royalist[]

When the time finally came, and the call from King Kael’thas Sunstrider reached the Sin’dorei, Alaein was fanatic in her devotion to her unseen leader, and the ‘Promised Land’ she felt he had promised her personally. She was one of the first pilgrims to set out towards Outland. Her skin, muscles and bones shook with excitement and nerves as she was soon to be able to fight beside her king. Unbeknownst to Alaein, her near-untainted brother soon set off behind her in pursuit. His mind was transfixed upon healed the lands of Quel’thalas, and he proved to be somewhat immune to the persistent propaganda of the city’s leaders and arcane golems.

Despite losses due to exhaustion and starvation the pilgrims Alaein marched alongside her with the same look of reverent fanaticism as she. When the time eventually came, and Alaein passed through the Dark Portal to the ‘Promised Land’. Like all else she and her companions were met with a land, broken and desolate. Strangely and worryingly enough such a sight barely fazed the pilgrims. They marched on, stopping at elven outposts, all of which claimed at their salvation lay just beyond the next hill, and the next hill, and the next hill.

Overseer Athelios Andilien was awaiting the pilgrims upon entering Netherstorm. He welcomed the weary and exhausted travellers to the future, and swiftly led them to one of many camps surrounding the manaforges in the broken region. In a land swathed and coated in raw and powerful magical energies it did not take long for Alaein to recover from her travels and - as the rest of her companions were - was designated her duties and role within the forces of the Sun King.

As she had come to expect, Alaein was given the special treatment for being the sister of a blood mage overseer. Her nights were spent with Athelios and his camp, as they filled her head with the glorious tales and achievements of her Sun King. She was assured that her loyalty and achievements in Quel'thalas had been noticed and noted even by the advisors of Kael'thas himself. Soon the morally question mana drunk nights of hedonism drew to a close, and Alaein was set to work beneath Voren’thal the Seer as he prepares to assault Shattrath city. Surprisingly, Alaein finds her slightly disgruntled brother Rognan, has been given a similar post to herself, and news regarding what his sis has been up too had evidently been passed along during his and her time in Netherstorm and with Athelios. Soon after the twins estranged and heated argument of a reunion, Voren’thal’s forces set off towards Shattrath City.

Voren'thal the Seer[]

Long before the Scryer betrayal there were whisperings of Voren’thal’s visions and dreams. The future Scryers’ faith in the Sun King began to wane as the army of blood elves made their way through Zangarmarsh and into Terokkar to make camp. The rumors soon proved to be true regarding Voren’thal’s treasonous intent. As a result the army of Kael’thas suffered a division. A handful of Dawnblade royalist rallied against the traitors. They stood upon the borders of the camp, calling for all those loyal to the Sun King to follow them back to Netherstorm to report the vile acts of the Seer. Understandably, they met resistance, but not from Alaein, who swiftly joined the ranks of the royalists. Heavily outnumbered and in no mood to begin cutting down their own kin, the Dawnblade royalists detached from Voren’thal’s forces with Alaein following suit – once again leaving her twin brother behind, and even she doubted that this time he would follow.

The months that followed saw Alaein return to the camp of her eldest brother, Overseer Athelios, and his collection of hedonistic magisters. Once again her nights were endless indulgence. Crystals of red, blue and green were consumed by the cartload each night as the young farstrider woman became excessively hedonistic, and self-centered, thanks to the whisperings of the magi and warlocks she shared camp and tent with. When the forces of Shattrath stormed the Tempest Keep, the elves loyal to Kael’thas received no word of his demise. In fact they were lead to believe that the Scryers and Aldor were crushed upon entering the floating fortress. Things continued as planned. It was clear the intent would soon be to return to Quel’thalas, to usher in a new age for the Sin’dorei.

Shattering the Sun[]

Alaein was not one of the elves involved in the initial attack upon Silvermoon city. That honour was reserved for the newborn Felblood elves. Instead, the loyal farstrider was positioned upon Quel’danas with the Dawnblade in order to secure Kael’thas’ arrival. Even under the mind-numbing effects of the drugs and magics fed to her in over-indulgence by Athelios and his troupe, Alaein still knew whom she was ultimately loyal to. Whom she ultimately loved in all his splendor and magnificence. Kael’thas’ ship arrived, Silvermoon’s Pride. The young woman could barely contain her excitement.

It had been years since she last saw him. Her body shivered and shook for a multitude of reasons, but each of those reasons were cut down the moment she laid eyes upon the grotesque remnant of a Sin’dorei stepping off of the ship. The once-handsome, once noble Prince Kael’thas had become nothing more than a mutilated walking corpse, a wretched. He held himself high, and with the pride of a Sunstrider, but all could see that to do so caused him considerable pain. The facade seemed to be quite literally ripping at his dark, colourless skin. A gaunt, sunken face stared out near-lifelessly at the formation of loyal and tainted soldiers stood neatly in formation. It scoffed, unimpressed, and a brief smirk revealed only for a moment the sheer chilling depth of madness the prince had fallen into. Alaein, - shuddering, trembling and near tears - stood amidst the rank and file of her peers. Much to her horror, she finally knew what it meant to be truly heartbroken. It was not a simple childish, girlish crush. Kael’thas represented everything she held dear, and everything she had faith in. Her chest swelled uncomfortably against the farstrider chest-guard, as she struggled to suppress a whimper of defeat.

The first arrow hit the mark, and a single Dawnblade fell. The rest of the volley brought down a multitude of Alaein's long-serving ‘friends’ and comrades. The Shattered Sun Offensive had formed and responded quickly to the felblood attack upon Silvermoon city. What remained of the Sun King retreated within the Magister’s Terrace whilst the surviving Dawnblade took flight upon dragonhawks. Alaein was quick to join them, but the battle was already lost. They had been taken by surprise, and there was no recovering from the ambush. Alaein herself fought tenaciously. The last spark of loyalty she still held saw her through much of the short battle, but a well-laced arrow between the eyes of her dragonhawk resulted in a sudden plummet, and a swift end to the farstriders fight.

By the time the near-dead Alaein, awoke the battle had been lost and much of Quel’danas belonged to the Shattered Sun Offensive. A more pressing matter was at hand for the young farstrider, as she found herself captured, and in the uncaring hands of the Draenei. Their plan was to make an example of the royalist, but the question was debated whether or not the punishment would be swift or torturously drawn-out. After some rough and unpleasant hours spent with her captors, the bruised, bloody and broken body of Alaein was displayed before the Shattered Sun commander for a final decision regarding the fate of the young elven life. The commanders’ verdict was abruptly interjected by the call of a single lieutenant. Rognan had risen in rank whilst serving under the Scryers, and his lie regarding the true occupation of the lady royalist was heeded. It was decided that Alaein had indeed been serving as an gent for the Scryers, and her life would not only be spared, but she would be nursed back to full health, and receive compensation for her time within the ranks of the Dawnblade. With a hoarse and broken voice the young farstrider demanded that her initial captors be made an example of for their brutality, before she fell out of consciousness.

Death God[]

Following the death of Kael’thas an the reigniting of the Sunwell, Alaein was not without direction, nor she had not been humbled by Rognan’s act of deceit and love as one would expect. Instead, her own obsession with herself, and her incredible luck simply grew. Her days were spent on daring missions throughout Quel’thalas against the Amani trolls there as she sought ceaselessly for her next thrill and fix. Something was missing, still, and she could not pinpoint exactly what it was. Her days were one long adrenaline rush, and her nights were restful and euphoric when she wished them to be. Yet she knew that this lifestyle would soon have to end. Despite still being young and healthy she knew that she was not immortal. A silence desire soon began to well up inside the young woman, even as she set sail for Northrend beside her brother – who she now admired.

The elven force arrived upon the Sun-forsaken northlands alongside the Forsaken. Much of the farstriders time was spent with the deathstalkers, and then the apothecaries as she slowly became entranced by their use of poisons and potions. Her genuine interest and persistence on the matter soon earned her the respect of the potion-brewers. In truth, the usually solitary minds of the apothecaries seemed to revel in the attention, and they were all too eager to show off their impressive creations to the inquisitive elf, as well as teach her the ways of alchemy. Alaein’s own urge for vengeance was also rekindled by the sheer tenacity and quiet rage of the Forsaken, and she soon decided to follow her blood knight brother to Icecrown itself to defeat Arthas, the ‘Death God’.

Throughout the horror-filled and grueling campaign in Northrend, there was but one thing Alaein was keen to focus on: The San’layn, and their immortality. When she had heard about them – and eventually saw them – she did not envy them, she pitied them. They had destroyed everything that had made them beautiful in exchange for immortality, and that, as a result, meant that they had nothing more to live for. The farstrider pledged to herself that she would never sacrifice her own beauty and perfection in exchange for such a gift.

The time eventually came when the Lich King was defeated, and all desire to remain upon the haunted continent of Northrend swiftly vanished. Alaein and Rognan along with the elven forces soon gradually retreated back to their own broken lands, just in time to witness the world shatter and break apart upon the horizon.


Not content with sitting back and ignoring this chance to seek her desires and thrills, Alaein set off to travel with her beloved brother, Rognan to travel the changed lands of Azeroth. Her growing interest in her own immortality, alchemy, thrill-seeking and general hedonism guided her path.

Unbeknownst to them both, a vengeful remnant of the past stalked the siblings from Quel’thalas, and into the world beyond. Twisted, unnatural and sadistic eyes set upon either converting, or killing them both.
