The Sha'tar EU



Annisa "Claw" Aresh'Ielael Shadowblade


Within Temptation - It's the Fear


Assassin / Demon Hunter



Annisa's general body shape is sleek, clearly built for agility and grace, but also noticable lack of strength, relying on litheness instead of raw power.

She has scars around the eyes, one on each side that runs from the top of her eyes down, skipping the eyesocket, leaving what seems to be intact eyes as it continues down to the cheek underneath the eye.

Annisa's voice is often determined, and her stubborness is often evident. Her words often rings of experience, and if in a stressful situation or under pressure it's often easy to note that she's used to cruelty. Some people say her voice can easily be soft and caring too, but surely they must be lying?

When looking at her face, one thing is quickly clear and striking. There is an empty void in her eyesockets due to the lack of any eyes. The cause is something it seems she is reluctant to go into further detail other apart from the fact she cut them out herself.

Her blond hair is mostly in a pigtail, waving behind her. It ensures it won't get in the way during her often fast or stealthy movements. She doesn't seem to be concerned about being grabbed by the hair in a fight.

Annisa stands slightly shorter than the average Sin'dorei female. Her lips often curled into a soft, plotting smirk. She seems to be in the middle of her twenties, human years, which would mean about 80-110 elven years, but sometimes speaks like she's lived far longer, and other times she might sound like a child.

Annisa's skin is gently tanned despite her usual appearance, her body well taken care for by highlighting the right curves, especially at the hips. Her breasts are often pressed against her chest, containing them and making them look smaller than they really are, which explains the difference between her casual clothing and mission armour. From the looks if you catch her in a loose shirt they are a little firm, yet by far natural looking without being too big, but they aren't tiny either.


Annisa often wears red or otherwise dark armour. She's been seen wearing the tabard of the Blood Knights as well, although clearly not containing the power to wear plate for as long as usual knights. When she wears an outfit with shoulderpads on, they are always dark, either with purple or red glow. Most of her armour shows deadliness, although she's been seen a couple of times in a mere shirt and trousers, like most relaxed citizens, the only breaking of her innocent look being the mask, which she seems to be fond of wearing.


Annisa is almost always seen with weapons, either hanging down her hips, which is often true for smaller arms, but also some rather large swords on her back. She has numerous small blades hidden in her tunic and leggings, kept away from view by the special design of her attire. In her sleeves she with almost certainity got some switch blades, able to make them spring out with the flick of her wrist, stabbing unsuspecting foes.

Known family[]

Most of her family was killed during an Alliance raid in her house when Annisa was young, but she has since either expanded her family or found suvivors.

Cevelis Shadowblade : Sister

Sasia Shadowblade : Daugther, dead

Naiya Shadowblade : Wife


Annisa has had some on and off relationships in her past, not being able to last for as long as she wished she would with her given partners of both genders, but now she seems to have found stability in the most recent girlfriend of hers, Naiya, which she decided to marry. The two seems to be madly in love with eachother, so maybe for once she will find someone she will stay with forever?


Often avoiding direct combat, Annisa is not afraid to engange if she sees it profitable. She often opens up with some quick slices, testing the defenses of her opponent. Her strikes often carry momentum, her strikes follow from one to the next, never stopping unless a parry is neccessary.

If outnumbered, Annisa draws the advantage of striking from target to target. Her initial strike rarely kills a target, but instead she wounds more than one target, rendering them less effective in combat, or even confuse and spread fear among her opponents.

Under moments of intese pressure, Annisa might take a deep breath, stopping all her attacks for a brief period, her focus moved towards avoiding harm. Under such a state Annisa tries to dodge or parry all strikes, counterattacking if the oppertunity presents itself.

If the fight turns towards the enemies favor Annisa will often try to retreat, either using the shadows to hide to make her escape, or by cutting deep gashes into her adversaries legs, making pursuit painful as she sprints away.
