The Sha'tar EU
Lognak image
Image caption
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Race orc
Faction Horde
Health old
Level 80
Status alive
Location Outland

‘The elements walk with me always. I breath air… I walk on earth… I drink water… and my veins are filled with fire!’

Lognak the elder is a old Orc Shaman. He lived on Draenor once and still seeks to live like the old days. He seems old and weak but he is very strong and powerful. Mostly Simona Fella made that mistake.


Lognak was born on Draenor within the Warsong clan. In his youth Jognak always had one role model: Ner’zhul. He was a great shaman and Lognak to felt the ways of the elements. So when he was of age to fight he and the Warsong clan went to guard the Dark portal. They killed many Netherguard forces until the elements seemed to leave them. Lognak was desperately looking for the source of this curse. But this was hard as they constantly moved between the Dark Portal and a nearby valley. Ultimately, they were betrayed by Ner’zhul and Lognak found a new role model: Grom Hellscream. When the warsong clan reached Stonard Lognak was constantly searching for the elements but they seemed to ignore him.

Then Lognak and the Warsong clan went into hiding for ten years. Ten long years without the guidance of the elements. The demonic curse upon them became worse and worse. Until the day came that they joined the Frostwolf clan in their battle against Durnholde. Lognak witnessed the freedom of the Orc nation.

Then Thrall became warchief. Lognak had yet another role model and it seemed that the elements were again upon them. Lognak was thrilled and started again to learn about those elements.

Then Lognak left his clan and went with the Frostwolf clan. Later he heard about the terrible demonic corruption they had undergone and was happy he had left them. Since then Lognak lived in Orgrimmar.

Until Thrall asked of him to go to Outland and see if there were any remains of the demonic taint. Lognak obeyed and when he saw what had become of his birthplace he was crushed. He found Shadowmoon valley and battled the demonic forces there. Later he went to Hellfire and found a Blood elf pyromancer by the name of Dawn. Together they went ot Zangarmarsh and there the tauren druid Skar joined them. Then they called themselves the Honor Guard. A few days later a strange Forsaken woman came out of the forest, Simona Fella was welcomed into the guard. And last they found a troll berserker in the mountains by the name of Mutaka. He too joined the guard. Since then they have had many adventures.


  • Lognak has a trusty wolf, named Drek. Drek is a grey wolf with red armor. Lognak found the wolf when he was just a pup wandering around Ogrimmar. He trained Drek to be a swift mount.
  • Lognak was awarded by the flightmaster of Orgrimmar a wyvern he named Rog. He uses this wyvern often to fly and ponder over the elements.


  • Lognak uses all elements but he likes air the most. That’s why he has a air elemental named Breeze. The elemental found him after they reached Durnholde.


  • Lognak uses two fistweapons. He named them Pride and Greed, the two things he hates the most.


See also[]

External links[]

  • External link