The Sha'tar EU



Physical Traits[]

Zuljo is a particularly slim "troll", with long red hair, and fiery eyes. His lack of obvious physical ability is made up for with a knowledge of magic spanning tens of thousands of years.

Race and Class[]

"Troll", Mage




None specified, considers Zeck to be like his brother.


Not a lot is known about Zuljo, he guards his secrets well. Only a few know of his troubled past, and of the reasons he keeps to himself. He is a mage of "immense power" (not his own words, he's too shy to admit it), and has studied and mastered all 4 aspects of arcana he considers worth learning - Fire, Frost, the Arcane, and the wonderfully potent art of Frostfire. Zuljo likes nothing more than sitting in a comfortable chair, out of everyone's way, reading a book and smoking his long, hand-carved, ebony pipe. If nobody talks to him, that's fine. If somebody does decide to talk to him, that's fine too.

Quick OOC note[]

The reason this is so brief is that you have to RP with Zuljo to find out about his past, I don't want to just tell everyone who uses this Wiki everything about good ol' Zul, less fun that way.
